Winter is a great time to get a skin check.
Skin cancer is a major problem that Australians in particular face on a regular basis. In fact, skin cancers account for more than 80 per cent of all newly diagnosed cancers in Australia every year, and more than 11,500 men and women will be diagnosed with a melanoma this year (and every year) in Australia.
The good news is that almost all skin cancers, including melanoma, are curable if detected early.
Right now most of us are wanting to cover up and enter a season of hibernation. Unfortunately, skin cancers are not seasonal, and sometimes can grow quite rapidly while our attention is focused elsewhere.
So here are a few great reasons to consider getting your skin cancer check done while it is still cooler outside:
1. Your less tanned skin is easier to examine.
2. You are still exposed to the sun and may still develop skin damage.
3. Skin cancers may take months or even years to develop.
4. The earlier a skin cancer is discovered, the more treatment options are available.
5. It is easier to get an appointment in the cooler months.
Love the skin you’re in!